The best of Alexander Borodin. Лучшие сочинения Александра Порфирьевича Бородина.
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The best of Alexander Borodin (1833-1887)
00:00 Introduction
01:15 Symphony No 2. I. Allegro moderato (1875)
10:25 Petite Suite. 3. Mazurka I (1885) (VIDEO from MOVIES)
13:19 Petite Suite. 7. Finale: Scherzo (Allegro vivace, A-flat major) - Nocturne - Scherzo (1885)
20:10 Symphony No 3 in A minor. I. Moderato Assai
29:21 Symphony No 3 in A minor. II. Scherzo. Vivo
39:46 Petite Suite. 4. Mazurka II (1885) (VIDEO from MOVIES)
43:51 Introduction
44:18 Overture to the opera Prince Igor (1869-1887)
54:34 Introduction
55:12 Polovtsian March from the opera Prince Igor (1869-1887)
1:00:47 Introduction
1:01:57 The Polovtsian Dances (Polovetsian Dances) from the opera Prince Igor (1869-1887)
1:15:33 The end
In the second half of the nineteenth century, the group Mighty Handful stood out in musical creativity with its romantic nationalism. Its oldest participant was sir Alexander Borodin (1833-1887). He is a serious professor of chemistry, as well as a doctor of medicine. At the same time, this is a man who knew the smell of gunpowder in combat battles. Monsieur Borodin had an entourage of eminent scientists, among them the outstanding universal scientist sir Dmitry Mendeleev and prominent chemist sir Nikolai Zinin.
Despite the very serious achievements in science, Sir Borodin is better known for the fact that in addition to his love of national traditions, he introduced the epic character of heroism into the Russian symphony. In his second symphony, he tried to put all the power of the heroes from Russian epics.
The creative imagination and seriousness of Alexander Porfiryevich’s nature gave rise to a symphonic masterpiece depicting the mighty Russian military spirit. Mr. Borodin can rightfully be called a composer-knight.
Sir Borodin was fond of music from a young age and at the age of 9 he composed his first polka. Perhaps the most famous work of Alexander Porfirevich, which every Russian should be familiar with, is the opera Prince Igor, written under the inspiration of the Old Russian epic, from the reading of the “Word on Igor’s Campaign“ written in the 12th century.
Russia was baptized at the end of the 10th century, and the Old Russian literary heritage called “The Word of Igor’s Regiment”, written in the 12th century, contains not so much an abundance of Christian elements as an abundance of pagan elements. Even as far back as the 15th century, Cardinal de Aurley reported to Rome that: “The Russians brought Christianity so close to paganism that it was difficult to say what prevailed in the mixture: was it Christianity, which accepted the pagan principle, or paganism that absorbed Christianity“.
In the old Russian legend, “The Word of Igor’s Regiment”, not one of the heroes crossed himself, didn’t ask the Lord for help before the battle, and so on, but the poem contains Slavic pagan gods: Veles, Stribog and his grandchildren, winds, Dazhdbog, the three-bright Sun, Khorse, as well as a kind of Slavic Erinii, Furies, namely Karna and Jelly. Even in the well-known cry of Yaroslavna, requests for help do not turn to Christ or the Virgin, but to the Sun, water and winds.
In the “Word on Igor’s Regiment”, the cult of the Russian land is sung and contrasted with the Polovsk land. It is the contrasting differences between the Russians and the Polovtsy that make the plot of the opera Prince Igor vivid.
Во второй половине девятнадцатого столетия романтичным национализмом в творчестве ярко выделялся коллектив Могучая кучка. Самым взрослым её участником был Александр Порфирьевич Бородин (1833—1887). Это серьёзный профессор химии, а также и доктор медицины, при этом, знавший запах пороха боевых сражений.
Несмотря на очень серьёзные достижения в науке, Александр Порфирьевич больше известен тем, что кроме любви к национальным традициям, он внёс в русскую симфонию эпический характер героизма.
Русь была крещена в конце 10 века, а древнерусское литературное наследие с названием «Слово о полку Игореве», написанное в 12 веке, содержит в себе не столько обилие христианских, сколько обилие языческих элементов. Даже ещё в 15 веке кардинал Д’Эрли сообщал в Рим, что: «Русские в такой степени сблизили своё христианство с язычеством, что трудно было сказать, что преобладало в образовавшейся смеси: христианство ли, принявшее в себя языческое начало, или язычество, поглотившее христианство».
В «Слово о полку Игореве» ни один из героев не перекрестился, перед сражением не просил у Господа помощи и так далее, но в поэме присутствуют славянские языческие боги.
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