Долго готовился к вылету вечер (video clip from NoiseeAi and PixVerseAi) punk rock, melodic hardcore
Логинов Сергей совместно с Suno Ai, Noisee Ai и PixVerse Ai представляют!
Официальный нейро-клип от Noisee Ai и PixVerse Ai на официальный нейро-трек от Suno Ai на официальное стихотворение Сергея Логинова).
Видео монтаж и наложение готового звука проводил в приложении YouCut.
Ссылка на аудио версию:
Ссылка на оригинальный текст стихотворения:
Standard translation into “broken English“) Sorry)))
The Evening took a long time to get ready for the flight.
The Evening took a long time to get ready for the flight, squinting and sighing through the curtains, and then he dangled his legs from the balcony and jumped into black.
If I had time to grab the hem of either a raincoat or a long tailcoat, maybe my house would not be filled with only silence and darkness.
He even took the stars with him, like a magician, waved them, and they are gone.
Darkness outside the window, darkness in the wallpaper, and blackness in the newspapers.
I wait for the morning, like a hedgehog waiting for summer, only the snow outside the window is invisible, I lie dressed in a jacket of imagination as if in a dress uniform.
What if there is a war? What if the enemy suddenly decides to break in under cover of night?
Darkness in my head, and I can’t sleep. I definitely can’t get drunk with vodka*.
I would like to rise up and give the light bulbs in the extinguished chandelier a hot glow... But... The impenetrable night moves from the head into the soul.
*a play on words in the Russian language, when the verb “не спиться“ can be applied both to sleep and to alcohol intoxication.
1 view
2 weeks ago 00:05:56 1
Эта посуда УБИВАЕТ твоё здоровье! Проверь свою прямо сейчас
4 weeks ago 00:01:01 1
Когда готовить лень: этот салат спасет любой вечер! Супер-простой рецепт!
4 weeks ago 00:15:31 1
Куда пропали леса или чем топили печи в 19 веке ?
1 month ago 00:02:52 1
Ритмическое упражнение “ОДЕЖДА“ для детей. Развитие чувства ритма. Длительность нот. РИТМ-ИГРА
1 month ago 00:02:20 3
Будущее России начинается с молодёжи
2 months ago 00:21:27 1