Prabhupada: Yes, this is our proposal: “Why should you kill the cow? Let the cow be protected.“ You can take the cow’s milk and use this milk for making so many nutritious, delicious preparations. Aside from that, as far as meat-eating is concerned, every cow will die--so you just wait a while, and there will be so many dead cows. Then you can take all the dead cows and eat. So how is this a bad proposal? If you say, “You are restraining us from meat-eating“--no, we don’t restrain you. We simply ask you, “Don’t kill. When the cow is dead, you can eat it.“
Yogesvara dasa: You’ve pointed out th the cow is just like a mother.
Srila Prabhupada: Yes. She gives us her milk.
Yogesvara dasa: But in the West now, when their parents grow old the people generally send them away to old age homes. So if people have no compassion even toward their own parents, how can we educate them to protect the cow?
Srila Prabhupada: They don’t have to protect the cow. We shall protect the cow. Simply we ask them, “Don’t purchaseShow more