M.S. Group, Harry Pollitt, W. Gallacher, MP. and P. Piratin, M.P. C.U. Head shot of Piratin and Gallacher. pan to Pollitt. C.U. Head shot of Pollitt pan to Gallacher. C.U. Gallacher and Pollitt.
C.U. Book. . Pollitt with book in front of him on desk. C.U. Books on shelf and Pollitt,s hand taking one down. C.U. Pollitt pan down to book.
C.U Portrait of Tom Mann. CU Plaque of Stalin. CU Portrait of Lenin. Portrait of Stalin in Uniform C.U. a Bust of Karl Marx. (two shots).C.U. Johnnie Gollan assistant Secretary, (three shots). C.U. Pamphlet, “We shall speak for Freedom“ C.U. Gollan at filing cabinet, pan to hands looking through file. SCU portrait of Stalin in uniform.
Exterior and entrance of building, C.U. Mrs Beatie Marks at entrance. C.U. Head shot of Mrs Marks. Typist at work. . Typist with index drawer. C.U. hands going through drawer.
C.U. a Roneo duplicator. C.U. Head shot of Rosa Prynn pan own to papers coming off machine. C.U. Prynn at Duplicator. C,U. Head shot of telephon
1 view
3 months ago 00:00:55 1
“义勇军进行曲| March of the Volunteers” — People’s Republic of China National Anthem
4 months ago 00:12:53 1
China Made Them Disappear. Things Got WORSE When They Returned