Oh my goshhhh! After a little over a month, this map is COMPLETE! I’m so exicted to see this done and share it with u all, I’m so proud of this project and the participants going above and beyond to make their part extraordinary! The thumbnail contest entries were also all so gorgeous, and I loved each and every one of them! After reading the new guide book, I instantly fell in love with Queen Monarch’s character. She’s so underrated and was portrayed as this silly queen who gave up her tribe happily, but this wasn’t the case at all. Queen Monarch was so much more than that. She loved her tribe, and gave up her throne to Wasp to protect them from the harm she could cause if she didn’t. And with this map, I hope to spread that message! I hope you all love this map just as much as I loved hosting it! Enjoy! MAP Plot: Queen Monarch sits in the flamesilk cavern, and is the first one that is in the control of Queen Wasp. She reminisces her life and thinks back to her past before she ended up in the cavern, mourning the life taken from her, and hoping, wishing, that her tribe was safe from the bloodshed of the Tree Wars. As the last SilkWing queen, she had to make the decision no one should ever have to make; fight an enemy more powerful than her tribe and loose many dragons, or give up her throne to keep them safe, but loosing her own life in return. Thumbnail Winner: Sunrize
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