The Celica That Toyota Should’ve Built: 1UZ Powered RA65

The mod journey that Frank de Jesus took on this RA65 Toyota Celica a tale older than time. Needing more power in his daily, but being appalled at the cost of a turbo kit for the engine in the car already, Frank took it into his own hands to swap the car with one of Toyota’s finest V8s ever made: the 1UZ. The result? OEM looks, with much more power. And better noises. Win. Support the channel with a purchase of a signed print: Follow Our Crew on Instagram: Larry Chen @larry_chen_foto Louis Yio @lusciousy Tyler Kapper @tylerkophoto Luis Garcia @ Richard Kim @richardkimm Turn on notifications to keep up to date on our latest uploads! Check out our friends on Instagram: @pennzoil @typesauto @rotiform @canonusa @thehoonigans @gridlifeofficial @formulad @yokohamatire @kw_suspension
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