Space is Fake! - Conspiracy Music Guru

Support what you like and get a truther tee! 👉 A fantastic, funny and eye opening exposé music video about the fact that space is fake! Website: Buy me a coffee: FLAT EARTH MAN Physical CD here: =dm_rwp_pur_lnd_albm_fr Consider becoming a patreon, thank you. Or leave a tip here: Here are the lyrics: Ladies and gentlemen welcome to the greatest show on earth. Prepare to be amazed. Please welcome your host for this evening. Mr flat earth man Thank you, thank you, listen up.. The whole worlds a stage and you’re the audience And everything you see on the stage is fraudulent you see before you is fact Are you ready for the headline act This act is truly one of a kind They’ll dazzle you and play tricks on your mind An illusionist with billions of fans Please welcome NASA put together your hands Good evening ladies and gentlemen It’s so lovely to see you again Tonight we have a very special show There’s a few things we want you to know Tonight we reveal some of our techniques We’ll expose NASA like wiki leaks Ladies and gentlemen boys and girls We’ll show you how we fool the world And when we’re done exposing our lies None of you are gonna realise Even though were gonna tell you straight It will be too hard to contemplate A trick so huge you won’t believe Impossible for you to conceive That’s why we tell coz you’ll reject it A lie so big you can’t accept it Chorus There’s no such thing as outer space We made it all up yeah space is fake It’s the greatest lie that’s ever been told The biggest trick you’ve ever been sold We’ve been pushing this satanic lie Space is a drug and everybody high It’s only your imagination that’s been to space Ladies and gentlemen space is fake! See there’s a solid barrier we can’t get through It’s called the firmament between me and you Go check Werner Von Brauns headstone He knew about that firmament dome He left you all a little nod and a wink For those of you still able to think Psalm 19:1 chapter and verse The firmament showeth his handy work That’s why when our rockets leave the earth They form a parabolic curve We’ll then switch over to an animation Then it’s over to your imagination But I’m here to tell you that in reality Our rockets end up in a graveyard in the sea Our launch pads are on coastal regions We build them there for a very good reason Chorus Yeah rocket launches are occult rituals There to brainwash the individuals To make you think that space is real And your money and your mind we can steal It’s so easy to program your mind Coz you guys watch tv like all of the time And we control what you see on your tv Coz we’re a branch of the military We teamed up with those Disney guys They help us propagate our lies We make cartoons about space fantasies And put em on tv for all the kids to see We program you when you are really young We make space travel so much fun Then all the kids fall into our trap And all grow up believing our crap! (They’re called programmes man!) Chorus (and now it’s over to our friends at fake x for a short message. “you can tell it’s real because it looks so fake, honestly“ Ha ha! Thanks Elon, what a genius!) Yeah we go to Devon island with our robot cars And we convince you we got a rover on mars And what about the incredible ISS Is all of that fake... hell yes! Haven’t you seen our harness mistakes How many screw ups is it gonna take Haven’t you noticed the bubbles in space We film astronauts in pools for gods sakes When are ya’ll gonna take the red pill And realise that none of this is real Space travel is the biggest lie And deceiving you makes us feel so satisfied Our only mission is to brainwash you You make it so easy for us to do Because nobody questions the authenticity Making you believe in space is so easy Yeah we love to convince you in infinite space We love to put you in an insignificant place Hiding the creator is what we do Beating the divinity right out of you We don’t want you to realise how special you are We want you to think you came from a cosmic fart We’re secretly converting you to our religion satanism scientism atheism Chorus. Ladies and gentlemen, that’s the end of the show Thank you so much for coming, what a lovely audience Make sure you research some of the things you’ve seen tonight But I know you wont, you’ll just go home, watch the news and believe it all Look what NASA did this week son, wow that’s so amazing dad you idiots, research bubbles in space, research NASA lies, research space is fake, for God’s sake! Goodnight everybody, you idiots, thank you goodnight
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