Sicily is attacked by Allied troops (1943)

GAUMONT BRITISH NEWSREEL (REUTERS) To license this film, visit Navy, Army, and Air join together to attack forces of Europe Full Description: Gaumont British Ident SLATE INFORMATION: Invasion ITALY: Sicily: EXT AEROPLANES . Spitfire brought down (in distance).. crashes in sea off SICILY ANTI-AIRCRAFT. On board ship in SICILY at posts BOMBS Falling near ships off SICILY..(at invasion of) BROADHURST A/V/M (MALTA) W. Montgomery at Malta conference before invasion of Sicily CANADA. Canadians : troops in convoy (INVASION OF SICILY) .. go ashore in ’. CARS. Jeep drives ashore (invasio...n of SICILY) thro’ 4’ of water CHURCHES Service on board troopship en route to SICILY CONVOYS. Huge convoy inc, ’s, in INVASION OF SICILY DUCKS (U.S. Amphibious 3 ton lorries) Used in invasion of taken from one as same goes ashore-Camera jerked all over the place G
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