Carved or manufactured? Pumapunku. 6th Century Buried Kingdom. Megalithic “Connecting” Blocks.

Howdy ya’ll. Welcome back. Today we will discuss the Pumapunku Complex in Bolivia. This site, which still baffles scientists to this day, has yet to even be 25% completely excavated. However, what scientists have found so far at Pumapunku leaves them nothing short of shocked and baffled. We have stonework, more specifically interchangeable stone blocks, created so perfectly, that modern machinery would have a hard time recreating these designs. Essentially, every piece at Pumapunku is interchangeable, almost like ancient Lego blocks. We have most of the massive, multiple ton, stone blocks, apparently carried over 50 miles, across Lake Titicaca, and then meticulously carved. These stones are cut so perfectly that even a razor blade’s edge would not fit between the blocks. Pumapunku stoneworks were also created using interlocking pieces; each stone was cut, or manufactured, with intricately and perfectly aligned holes, angles, ridges, etc, to fit with ANY of the other pieces.
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