Namo Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva.

NAMO DI ZANG WANG PUSA - мантра для улучшения судьбы. EIGHTEEN WORLDLY BENEFITS OF 南无地藏王菩萨 NAMO DI ZANG WANG PUSA 1. Deities and Demigods will protect them. 2. Their Good Karma will increase daily. 3. Their food and clothing will be abundant. 4. They will not be infected by diseases. 5. They will not be in disasters of flood or fire. 6. They will not become victims of robbery or theft. 7. People will admire and respect them. 8. Spirits and Ghosts will help and support them. 9. They will be good-looking with nice features. 10. They may hold high positions of authority. 11. Their prayers will be answered, and wishes fulfilled. 12. Their family members will be happy. 13. Unexpected unpleasant incidents will be eliminated. 14. Their journey will be safe and smooth wherever they go. 15. Their dreams at night will be peaceful. 16. Their deceased relatives will have no suffering. 17. They will be praised by Saints and Sages. 18. They will be smart and alert.
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