Full title reads: “Olympics Pointer? East Ready For Battle - Of Sport“.
Poland. The Polish team make strong scientific preparations for the 1952 Olympics.
CU Legs running on roller strip pan up to man running wearing oxygen mask. SV Front view man running on rollers wearing oxygen mask. CU Doctor watching instruments. CU Instrument. CU Feet running on roller. CU Athlete wearing oxygen mask. GV Elevated lecturer instructing class on gymnastics. LV Students listening to lecturer. CU Two male students. SV Lecturer. CU Man and women students. GV Pupils studying in anatomy class. SV Instructor and pupils around replica of human body. He hands heart to girl. SV Woman instructor demonstrating to students movements of leg joints. SV Man lying on bed with tube in mouth. Doctors noting reaction of instruments. CU Instrument. MV Girl lying in hoop is rocked by medical assistant. SV Girl lying in hoop upside down and wearing mask. CU Doctor looking at metronome and other instruments. LV Athletes running out of coll