Wikw - I’m not ok (Official Video)

Subscribe to Wikw Youtube channel Connect Directed by @ Assistent Director: Beatrice Massari 1st AC: @sssinister_ @Sinister 2nd AC: @ Vox/Guitar: @Wikw__ Drum: @frondellasebbasta Lead guitar: @ Bass: Gusi Produced, recorded by Wikw Mixing and mastering by @coffeeshoparts SPECIAL THANKS TO @ladyleopard6499 FOR THE HOUSE Lyrics why my mind is so separate I can’t stop thoughts around my head let me go away don’t be sad for me, I need to step into myself we need to leave all hope behind we’re like Romeo and Juliet our love is a toxic shit is it in my thoughts or we just end up her...e we’re falling into the second circle where pleasure become our censure I’m addicted to your love you’re the drug makes me feel relatable I want this feeling to last forever I’m not ok I’m not ok watch me fail fro
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