Antique 1897 KORA SWORD Restoration - Unbelievable Restoration!

Antique 1897 KORA Sword Restoration - Unbelievable Restoration! Process Of Restoration: We put in a lot of effort into making this restoration video it was a very antique sword which we had to restore very well And we were also successful in its restoration It would be an old rusty and a sword full of mud found underground in an old house Seeing its condition, it seemed that it was buried in the ground till many of years old. but we completely restored it and made it shine like glass And also made a very beautiful handle out of it We have also shown this by using Now after its restoration it is in good condition. restoration #restorationvideos #restoring #antique #repair #rescue #antiquerestoration #asmrrestoration #restoringoldtools #oldtools #rusty #rustyrestoration #restorationvideos #restoringoldthings
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