MUSIC OF ROARING 1920s by Efim Schachmeister Orchestra | НЭПМАНСКИЕ ТАНЦЫ. МУЗЫКА 1920-х годов.

MUSIC OF ROARING 1920s. НЭПМАНСКИЕ ШЛЯГЕРЫ. МУЗЫКА ЭПОХИ НЭПа. #1920songs #roaring20s #нэп Track list: 1. Air force march (Авиа-марш: Все выше) - 00:10 2. Bricks (Кирпичики) - 02:44 3. Midshipman Jhones (Мичман Джонс) - 06:00 4. Bells (Бубенцы) - 08:21 5. Day after day (Дни за днями катятся) - 11:00 6. Tango (Танго) - 14:05 7. Marseille noisy at night (Шумит ночной Марсель) - 16:50 8. Counting hours (Часы считать) - 19:23 9. Saharet Dance (Пляска Сахарет) - 22:15 10. My Soul (Душа моя) - 25:25 Efim Schachmeister (22 July 1894 – 6 October 1944) was a violinist and bandleader. Born in Kiev to Romanian Jewish parents, from 1910 to 1913 he studied music at the Stern Conservatory in Berlin. In 1915 he joined the Popescu Gypsy Band (Zigeuner-Kapelle Popescu). In 1923 he became bandleader, and the following year embarked on a German tour that ended in April 1925 with an engagement at the Hotel Excelsior in Berlin. This was followed by engagement
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