Director : Igor Von Lichtenstein
Producer: Clement Lacoste
Guest Sax: Little Skrapusheks
Special Thanks to : Rust Glazer
© 2021 Stockton Records
This is a story about seemingly unexpected events, coming together and revealing the mysteries of your life. It is about how everything in life is interconnected. Did you know that your mood can affect the weather and that the weatherman can be your strongest ally to save you from a broken heart? This is exactly what happened here.
ეს არის ამბავი ერთი შეხედვით მოულოდნელ მოვლენებზე, თავმოყრაზე და თქვენი ცხოვრების საიდუმლოებების გამომჟღავნებაზე. სა
...ქმე ეხება იმას, თუ როგორ არის ყველაფერი ურთიერთდაკავშირებული ცხოვრებაში. იცოდით, რომ თქვენსმა განწყობამ შეიძლება გავლენა მოახდინოს ამინდზე და რომ ამინდის წამყვანი შეიძლება იყოს თქვენი ყველაზე ძლიერი მოკავშირე, რომ გადაარჩინოთ გატეხილი გულისგან? ზუსტად ეს მოხდა აქ.
Weather Support
Cloudy skies will continue overnight
With some light patchy freezing drizzle
Across the central parts of my body
Low temperatures will fall into the teens
North of interstate and 18 into the 20s elsewhere
Snow will move into my heart and western Pennsylvania towards the morning and spread east through sunrise
Warm air from under your mouth will push up my nostrils across the Maryland border through the day
Don’t let me down,
Don’t let me down, I’m sorry
Don’t lay it all on me.
Don’t give me up,
Don’t give me up, I worry
Don’t lay it all on me.
This will change the faith and the snow to rain south and east of interstate
Snow will mix and change to sleet and freezing rain up to about interstate 80s through the afternoon.
The temperature of my body will remain below freezing from south-central mountains and points north
Temperatures will reach the mid-30s or 40s depending on your age
Rain will continue in my life because you never came back
Don’t let me down,
Don’t let me down, I’m sorry
Don’t lay it all on me.
Don’t give me up,
Don’t give me up, I worry
Don’t lay it all on me.Show more