#AdımFarah | #FaHir | #TahirLekesiz | #EnginAkyürek → I don’t own ANYTHING, I just editing! → Je ne possède RIEN, je ne fais qu’éditer ! • Tv Series : Adım Farah • Character : Tahir Lekesiz • Couple : Farah & Tahir • Song : You Should See Me In A Crown Billie Eilish Synopsis : Farah (Demet Özdemir) is a 28-year-old Iranian woman. 6 years ago, while fleeing from Iran to France, she had to stop in Istanbul because she found out that she was pregnant. She starts to live here illegally. Moreover, her son Kerimşah’ (Rastin Pakhanad) has a rare disease. Since his immune system is congenitally very weak, Karimshah is susceptible to diseases. Therefore, he has to live in a sterile environment. Despite her medical education, Farah works illegally as a cleaner in Istanbul. Farah’s goal in life is for her son Karimshah to regain his health and have a life like normal children. She will save money as soo
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