What Do The Stars Foretell For You? Aka The Stars And You (1959)
General view of electric trains rushing through station and crowds of people standing on platform. C/U as train rushes past camera. Electric train rushing into London. Interior of tube train, passengers seated reading newspapers.
Several shots of newspaper horoscope headlines - ’What the stars hold for you in 1959’, ’This is your Luck’, ’New Year Stars’, ’What the stars hold for you in 1959’, ’Luck Ahead’.
Inside a newspaper building we see printing machines at work; newsprint going round rollers and papers coming off machine on conveyor belt. Outside, men put bundles of newspapers into bags and a newspaper van moves off down street.
Exterior of block of offices in City of London. Interior shot shows a boss sitting at desk smoking cigar with Vic standing alongside, thinking. We hear his thoughts - “Wish I could get old Brown’s job“. Woman (Joy) leaning over typewriter thinks “Why doesn’t he propose to me?“. Man (Norman) reading
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