Linux Essentials for DevOps | ifconfig, ping, netstat, traceroute Commands | Shell Script Tutorial

Linux Essentials for DevOps | ifconfig ping netstat traceroute commands | Shell Script Tutorial hostname ---- FQDN - Fully qualified domain name server1 --- short name ssh -l root server2 1) ping ping -- to check weather the remote machine is alive 2) netstat -na -- to list out the ports on which application listening jenkins -- 8080 nexus -- 8081 3) server1 --- n/w switch -- router -- n/w switch2 -- router2 -- server2 traceroute dpkg -l | grep -i ssh extension of a package on ubuntu? -- dpkg -i rpm -ivh --- ruby abc -- def -- xyz -- gh rpm -ivh rpm... -ivh rpm -ivh rpm -ivh abc -- 1 -- a b c ---2 -- d e f --3 -- x y z tools to install the packages / dempndencies centos/redhat/fedora == yum ubuntu == apt -get yum install chef = 100 packages apt -get install chef server1 -----------------yum install -y chef -- downloads - installs repository configuration rhel/centos/fedora -- /etc/ ubuntu -- /etc/apt/ apt -get install ansible apt -get install -y ansible iso -- installattion media shell properties ----------------- control A -- to go to beginning Control E -- to go to end Control w -- to remove a word Control u -- to clear the line Tab -- auto fill Control R -- Reverse search mount ------ data center -- 100 machines ansible 1 server -- 1) download ansible rpm -ivh 2) log files 100 -- /var/ space is not available nfs server -1 nfs -- network file sharing 100 machines 100 gb 10 people -- 10 laptops -- movies / music 1 - 1 tb nfs - 100 tb mounted nfs server over the internet map drive C D Z 2 - 100 gb 3 - 500 gb - - 10 11 server 100 tb- nfs server -- movies/music mount - attach umount - detach 1) 100 server 1 nfs to all 100 servers mount nfs server mount nfsserver:/b /a /a local directory /b -nfs server -- ifconfig all ubuntu,ifconfig apple,ifconfig arch linux,ifconfig command,ifconfig command in linux,ifconfig command linux explained,ifconfig explanation,ifconfig for mac,ifconfig for ubuntu,ifconfig for windows,ifconfig in linux,ifconfig in ubuntu,ifconfig in windows,ifconfig linux,ifconfig linux command,ifconfig mac,ifconfig mac address,ifconfig mac address ubuntu,ifconfig mac terminal,ifconfig on linux,ifconfig on mac,ifconfig on macos,ifconfig ping,ifconfig route,ifconfig set ip,ifconfig termux,ifconfig tutorial,ifconfig use,ifconfig windows,install ifconfig on ubuntu,linux ifconfig explained,understanding ifconfig,fping linux example,hping kali linux,hping linux command,linux ping command,linux ping destination host unreachable,linux ping exit,linux ping router,linux ping test,linux ping windows hostname,linux ping with hostname,ping linux command,ping linux from windows,ping linux vm from windows,ping on linux,ping script linux,netstat access denied,netstat agent,netstat and traceroute,netstat basics,netstat command,netstat command access denied,netstat command explained,netstat command windows 10,netstat display hostname,netstat established connections,netstat established meaning,netstat example windows,netstat examples,netstat explained,netstat explained linux,netstat explanation,netstat find ip address,netstat find ip address windows,netstat find port,netstat find port 80,netstat findstr,netstat for android,netstat for ip,netstat for windows 10,netstat get hostname from ip,netstat how to read,netstat how to use,netstat in linux,netstat ip,netstat ip address,netstat ip4,netstat linux,netstat linux command,netstat linux explained,netstat linux options,netstat linux tutorial,netstat listening ports,netstat listening ports windows,netstat local address,netstat logs,netstat mac,netstat mac address,netstat means,netstat nedir,netstat netcat,netstat no ip address,netstat not found windows,netstat not working windows 10,netstat nslookup ping,netstat on ipad,netstat on mac,netstat on windows,netstat on windows 10,how does traceroute work,how to traceroute a website,how to traceroute in cmd,how to traceroute on mac,traceroute a mac address,traceroute an ip address,traceroute analysis,traceroute and ping,traceroute batch file,traceroute between source and destination,traceroute by mac address,traceroute command,traceroute command in linux with examples,traceroute command in packet tracer,traceroute command windows 10,traceroute dns request timed out,traceroute documentary,traceroute domain,traceroute dos command,traceroute example,traceroute example linux,traceroute example mac,traceroute example windows,traceroute explained linux,traceroute explanation,traceroute firewall detection, traceroute for ubuntu,traceroute from ios,traceroute from source to destination,traceroute from source to destination windows,traceroute from switchtraceroute how it works
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