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Авторские права на публикуемые материалы принадлежат их законным владельцам и взяты из открытых источников сети интернет. Искренне благодарю авторов этих видео, фото, песен и музыки за возможность использования их работ в моих видео.
© All images and music are copyrighted to their respective owners.
This video is for entertainment only, non profit.
This channel is not monetized and receives no monetary gain from the videos uploaded or from any other source.
All Credits and Special Thanks go out to those that allow their content to be posted and shared and I have NO desire to violate copyright! I am not the owner of the music and the image.
I am not making money on this video or on the channel and all rights go to Respective copyrights per the artist(s), songwriters, and music publishing.
For fan entertainment purposes on