DIY SLIPPERS: How to Make Slippers Using Scrap Fabric & Damaged Flip Flops (Easy & No Sew) ♥️ Angel

HEYY EVERYBODY TODAY I WILL BE SHARING DIY SLIPPERS: How to Make Home Slippers Using Scrap Fabric and Damaged Flip Flops (Easy & No Sew) Before throwing something in a trash bin, I have to think first what can I do with it or ask myself if it can be still useful. One example is this damaged pair of flip flops that I decided not to throw because I wanted to revamp it. Using fabric from a scrap and strong glue, I was able to give it a new look and turn it into home slippers! ^_^ I hope that you’ll find this tutorial helpful. Again, thank you so much for watching. Take care, have a wonderful day and see you next time! ^_^
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