Muhammad Ali Running Scene - ALI Movie

“Dance! Dance, champ! Dance! ” “He’s throwing combinations like god put a motor in his body, uppercuts, lefts and rights, whipping that sucker all over the ring! ‘’I’m calling to him: “dance, champ! Dance for the little children in orphanages don’t nobody want! Fight for them champ! You the boss! Dance for the po’ people with no jobs , who got rent to pay! Dance for ‘em, champ! Stick that sucker! Dance for them winos sleepin’ in the gutter! For them people who got tb, cancer, for them prisoners locked in jails and ain’t fot no bail! Dance for ‘em champ! Dance for them dope addicts everybody’s given up on! Dance for little pregnant girls who got no husbands! Dance for em’ champ! Fight for ‘em! ” “ Whip them suckers for ‘em! Shoeshine ‘em! Shoeshine ‘em! Fight for them people needin’ welfare, for old people who didn’t get no pension checks! Dance for ‘em! Go ‘head, whip that sucker’s…! Have no mercy! Dance for them tired old whores out there hustlin’! For all them lonely people drinkin’ in the taverns! In the pool halls! On the street corners! Dance for the sweepers, little people moppin’ up airport floors, train stations, bus depots, gas station! Fight for ‘em, champ! For the maids in hotels makin’ up beds, cleanin’ toilets! Whip them suckers! Shorty told them to resurrect you, shorty told them to dig you up out of the grave! Ain’t no senators saved you, ain’t no governors saved you, ain’t no president saved you! Ain’t no bankers saved you! Them people out there saved you. Them people out there puttin’ new blood in your veins! Stick that sucker in front of you! Stick him all night long! Can’t nobody whip Muhammad Ali but Cassius Clay, and he ain’t here tonight! Dance, champ, dance!” “Drew Bundini Brown“ When Ali arrived in Zaire, now known as the Democratic Republic of the Congo, he was greeted with adoration. In the eyes of the people of Zaire, Ali was like a representation of the struggles of their country, which only 12 years ago had gained independence after Belgian colonial rule followed by long-lasting turmoil. A chant for Ali took little time to form. They chanted “Ali boma ye“, translating “Ali, kill him“.
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