Chaos in Sicily! Catania is completely flooded! Storms and floods in Italy!

For the third day, violent storms have raged in southern Italy, resulting in floods in parts of Sicily. According to meteorologists, eastern Sicily was hit by a rare Mediterranean hurricane known as Medicane. Hardest hit was the city of Catania, where floods swept through the city and flooded the streets. As a result of the bad weather, homes and businesses were left without electricity, and schools in the city and surrounding towns were closed. The Mayor of Catania said that the eastern regions of Sicily are experiencing exceptional weather events, “unprecedented“ in their intensity. The mayor ordered the closure of all businesses in Catania, except for basic services, until midnight Tuesday. “I urge the entire population not to leave their homes, except in an emergency, because the roads are flooded with water.“ During the week, a gradual intensification of the storm is expected, torrential rains and floods will continue. Forecasters note that the number of natura
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