Do you enjoy Arab music? Here’s how to be the First Person to own an Exclusive Playlist from the NAO -
A Tribute to Asmahan and Um Kulthoum
Presented By: Ithra Theater
Featuring: National Arab Orchestra w/ Lubana Al Quntar & Mai Farouk
Directed by: Michael Ibrahim & Elie Karam
King Abdulaziz Center for World Culture, By Saudi Aramco - Saudi Arabia
November 22 - 23
Fakkarouni (Instrumental) - Mohamed Abdel Wahab
Arrangment : Michael Ibrahim
Meet the Orchestra - Concert Mistress: Megan Gould. Violin: Naji Azar, Houssam Azzam, Bengisu Gokce, Laura Harada, Jumanah Hassan, Mounir Mak
...houl, Insia Malik, Raymond Nassif, Mario Rahy, Ceren Turkmenoglu, Sachiyo Yoshimoto. Viola: Charbel Antoun, Marandi Hostetter, Roberto Riggio, Andrea Vercoe. Cello: Mohannad Al Zahabi, Rayan Azzam, Victoria Morcos. Oud: Victor Ghannam. Qanun: Kamal El Dakdouki. Nay/Conductor: Michael Ibrahim. Accordion: Chadi Saad. Piano/Sythesizer: Maroun Yammine. Electric Guitar: Mazen Jaber. Percussion: Wissam El Bitar, Charlie Fadel, Edy Fadel, Gilbert Mansour, Dr. Gursharan Singh Sandhu.
Audio and Post Production: Dave SchallShow more