#shorts OPEN and CLOSED KINETIC CHAINS🔁 A kinetic chain (also referred to as a kinematic chain) is a concept taken from engineering that describes human movement, in which joints and segments have an effect on one another during movement. There are two types of kinetic chain exercises: open and closed. ☝️ Our first exercise is an Open Kinetic Chain exercise. Here the distal segment of the extremity is free to move in space, whereas the proximal part of the limb is fixed in place. An OKC exercise is typically characterized by a single moving joint in one plane, with increased muscle isolation. For example: during a seated knee extension, the proximal segment of the limb (the femur) is fixed and the distal segment (the tibia) is mobile. ✌️ Our second exercise is a Closed Kinetic Chain exercise, where the feet are fixed. A CKC exercise is characterized by several joints participating in the movement and moving simultaneously, therefore creating muscular co-contraction to stabilize the other joints along the chain. For example: during a squat, the distal segment of the limb is fixed (the foot) and the rest of the body moves in relation to it. Let us know which are your favorite OKC and CKC exercises in a comment below! To learn more about OKC and CKC exercises check out our STRENGTH TRAINING app!
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