Ugh finally got this done and finished with I had to render it like 3 fucking times after the third I thought no way there is no way in hell that I am rendering this again a fourth time it will take up too much time I have a busy 2018 too ya know XD (ha liesnot really lol I have no life XD I just listen to Hamilton and talk to friends all day long haha). Anyways Here is the final part for Kion x Kovu hope you enjoy and for most of you who are confused by the characters I will leave them down below on who is who enjoy :3.
Light Kiara = Nuru (the Daughter of Kion & Kiara, granddaughter of Simba & Nala & mate to Kovu)
Normal & Dark Kovu = Kovu (the Son of Zira, Kion’s childhood friend and the Brother of Kiara)
Brightish Light Simba = Adult Kion (the Son of Simba & Nala, Kovu’s childhood friend, Mate & King to Kiara & the Father of Nuru)
British Light Nala & Normal Kiara = Kiara (the Daughter of Zira {in this crossover}, the Mate & Queen of Kion & the Mother of Nuru)
Zira = Zira (the Mother of Kovu & Kiara)
Normal Simba & Nala = Simba & Nala (the parents of Kion and the grandparents of Nuru)
Phew hope I didn’t miss anything important out.
Kovu and Nuru are happy as ever and Kion and Kiara except them both as long as Kovu looks after their daughter. suddenly Zira appears. She breaks out in a fit of rage and yells at Kovu. Kion and Simba step into stop her and Zira reveals to them that Kovu is Scar’s son and was hand chosen to kill them. They all turn on Kovu all except for Kiara and Nuru. Nuru tells her father to stop and listen and says “Kovu it can’t be true.“ Kovu sighs and says “it’s true“ but admits to Zira’s plot and brings out his good side saying that he only wants to be with Nuru and that he loves her. Kovu goes to leave but Kiara stops him saying “Kovu wait“ she smiles at her brother proud of who he has become and they embrace each other. Simba furious by Zira’s lies on trying to kick Kovu out yells “get out! we’re finished here“ he is disgusted and Zira leaves for good and goes into exile. Kovu begins explaining himself to Simba but Simba understands and welcomes him into the Pride. Months later the whole pride celebrate the birth of Nuru and Kovu’s newborn cub.
Baby Vitani Masking by MyjesticWolfx
Song: Ghost
Artist: Halsey
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