Где же ты, и где искать твои следы (L’ete Indien). Юри Балабанов. Тото Кутуньо hommage.
#YuriBalabanov #SängerYuriBalabanov
Где же ты, и где искать твои следы (L’ete Indien). Юри Балабанов.
С любовью к Тото Кутуньо (7 июля 1943 — 22 августа 2023)
Музыка Тото Кутуньо. Авторы русского текста — Онегин Гаджикасимов, Юри Балабанов.
Песни Юри Балабанова
Певец с неповторимым голосом Юри Балабанов! Песни и музыка Юри Балабанова.
Для любителей необыкновенного голоса! Вы можете найти его песни на этом канале.
Талантливый музыкант, композитор, писатель, поэт, актер и певец с неповторимым голосом родился в Москве. 30 лет проживает в Германии, но также имеет много поклонников в России и других странах. Юрий Балабанов поет песни на всех европейских языках, имеет богатый репертуар и пишет авторскую музыку. Подписывайтесь на канал, для вас будут сборники песен и интервью.
Вы можете прочитать его последнюю книгу.
Большое спасибо Юрию за разрешение использовать песни для видеоклипов!
Приветствую, спасибо, что посетили мой канал, я ценю каждого зрителя! Выпейте чашечку кофе и расслабьтесь, здесь вам будет комфортно и тепло! Вот самые красивые и расслабляющие песни и музыка! Прекрасная классика и красивые виды на природу! Вы можете скачать видео для кафе, ресторана, бара, дома отдыха, санатория или любого другого места, где посетители могут увидеть и услышать расслабляющие и чудесные песни и виды природы! Вы также можете слушать песни в поездке.
Добро пожаловать!
Yuri Balabanov is a singer with a unique voice! Songs by Yuri Balabanov. Songs and music by Yuri Balabanov. Love Story - 2022. Texte und Musik — Yuri Balabanov.
For fans of the extraordinary voice and rare talent! You can find his songs on this channel.
Talented musician, composer, writer, poet, actor and singer with a unique voice lives in Hamburg, Germany. His place of birth is Moscow. He has great success in Germany, but also has many fans in Russia and other countries. Yuri Balabanov sings songs in all European languages, has a rich repertoire and writes author’s music. Subscribe to the channel “Musikinsel mit Yuri Balabanov“, there will be songbooks and interviews for you.
You can read his latest book and listen to some songs .
Many thanks to Yuri for the permission to use the songs for the video clips!
Greetings, thanks for visiting my channel, I appreciate every viewer! Have a cup of coffee and relax, you will be comfortable and warm here! Here are the most beautiful and relaxing songs and music! Beautiful classics and beautiful views of nature! You can download videos for a cafe, restaurant, bar, vacation home, sanatorium or any other place where visitors can see and hear relaxing and wonderful songs and views of nature! You can also listen to songs in the car.
Be in the moment, relax, relax without thinking about anything, just listen to the voice! Yuri Balabanov songs and views of nature will relax and calm your mind. Songs and music to inspire, relieve stress, fill your soul.
I wish you experience the joy and pleasure of discovery and learning new things.
Yuri Balabanov is a singer with a unique voice! Songs by Yuri Balabanov. Songs and music by Yuri Balabanov.
For lovers of extraordinary voice and rare talent! You can find his songs on this channel.
A talented musician, composer, writer, poet, actor and singer with a unique voice lives in Hamburg, Germany. His place of birth is Moscow. He has great success in Germany, but also has many fans in Russia and other countries. Yuri Balabanov sings songs in all European languages, has a rich repertoire and writes original music. Subscribe to the channel “Musikinsel mit Yuri Balabanov“, there will be collections of songs and interviews for you.
You can read his latest book and listen to some songs.
Many thanks to Yuri for permission to use songs for video clips!
Greetings, thank you for visiting my channel, I appreciate every viewer! Have a cup of coffee and relax, here you will be cozy and warm! Here are the most beautiful and relaxing songs and music! Beautiful classics and beautiful views of nature! You can download videos for a cafe, restaurant, bar, country house, resort or any other place where visitors can see and hear relaxing and wonderful songs and nature views! You can also listen to songs in the car.
Be in the moment, relax, relax, without thinking about anything, just listen to the voice! Songs and views of nature by Yuri Balabanov will relax and calm your mind. Songs and music will inspire, relieve stress, fill your soul.
I wish you to experience the joy and pleasure of discoveries and learning new things.
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