Serious Sam: Siberian Mayhem - 01 A Smell Of Petroleum Prevails (Serious 100%)

Yep, we’re doing this! Siberian Mayhem already starts off strong with some gorgeous looking environments, fun secrets, tough combat sections, and cool weapons to collect along the way. You also encounter your first new enemy, the Aludrian Microhopper, which is the worst enemy this expansion has to offer. They’re fast, unpredictable, come in swarms, and do insane damage. Best practice is to use the Shotgun’s GL attachment to kill them in clusters and to pepper them at range with the AK & SSG. Fortunately they’re not too common in later levels. Speaking of the AK, you’re AR from SS4’s been replaced by this beauty. It does slightly more damage, has a tighter spread when firing from the hip/dual wielding, and has good sound effects & animations to boot. It’s the workhorse weapon of Siberian Mayhem and a damn good one at that. In terms of gameplay, it’s suitably challenging throughout with the toughest section being a room right after you gra
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