mTracker 3D Tutorial - Creating a complex 3D scene with text and lightning effects - MotionVFX

In this tutorial by George Edmondson, you will learn how to approach the concept of a complex 3D scene with text tracking and lightning effects. You will see the whole workflow, as well as some specifics on how to improve your tracking and the look of your edit. This tutorial is a “retransmission” of the session we had on the Post Production World Online, so if you missed it you can now watch it here. Enjoy! 🎬 mTracker 3D for Apple Motion, Final Cut Pro and mO2: 🚀👉 Twitter: Instagram: Facebook: #FCP #AppleMotion #mTracker3D #Tracker #3D #Transition #Effect #FinalCutPro #Axis #Animation #Apple #MotionVFX #3DTracking #TipsAndTricks #Tips #Tricks #Hints #Lesson #Tutorial #Workflow #Generator #mO2model #mO2 #Model #Editing #Tracking
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