My Badger is a Bully! Social Skills songs for kids, learning songs for kids from PlayKids

A bully is the worst! Especially when it’s a badger. Sing along with your children to this PlayKids social skills song for kids and show them how being a bully is not very cool and being kind is always the right thing to do. The “Social Skills” series from PlayKids was developed to help you teach social/emotional skills to your preschoolers in a way that they can understand and remember. This aspect of childhood development is becoming more and more important as parents and educators observe that the strength and range of a child’s social/emotional skill set (when they enter kindergarten) is directly correlated with their long-term academic success. Watch more PlayKids video playlists at SUBSCRIBE to PlayKids for new videos! -------------------------------------------------------------- Please comment and share this video with your friends! -------------------------------------------------------------- PlayKids features music for kids, lear
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