Irieh song
She lived beside the Anner
[Charles Kickham]
Oh she lived beside The Anner
at the foot of Slievenamon
a gentle Irish colleen
with mild eyes like the dawn
her cheeks were dewy rosebuds
and her teeth were pearls rare
a snowdrift ’neath the beechen bough
her neck and long brown hair
oh happy was to see her
on a Sunday when the bell
was filling with it’s mellow tone
lone wood and grassy dell
and when at eve young maidens
strolled the Anner banks along
the widow’s brown-haired daughter
was the lov’liest of the throng
oh brave, brave Irish colleens
we well may call yee brave
for the least of all your perils
are the stormy ocean waves
when you leave your quiet valleys
and cross the Atlantic foam
to hoard your hard-won earnings
for the helpless ones at home
send word to my dear mother
that we’ll meet in heav’n above
and tell my little brother
I send him all my love
may the angels ever guard him
was the dying sister’s prayer
and folded in the letter
was a braid of nut-brown hair
oh cold and sallow now
my weary heart has grown
for all thy troubles Ireland
and for sorrows of my own
yet with tears my eyes will moisten
when by Anner banks I stray
for The Lilly of the Mountain Brook
who withered far away
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