I did not expect to release this exploit to the public but now that it’s starting to circulate I figured it was time to post it publicly. I typically used this to deter stream snipers by giving them a cooldown and ensuring I would not have to play with them again but there are many uses. We are only posting the code to raising everyone’s ping but being as they are all related, with some brain power, you can figure out how to do the rest of what is shown in the video. The thought behind this was that it wouldn’t cause too many cooldowns to legit players inadvertently before it is fixed. To the legit CS:GO players, I would avoid playing CS:GO for the next few days until valve has a chance to fix it. Any information I have regarding the origin of this, the uses, and information about the effects of it are in the video. If you are a cheater and are experiencing this in game, it’s best to have an SV_Pure bypass to avoid being removed from a game but I believe it has been found out how to kick peopl
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