3 BEST Champions To MAIN For EVERY ROLE in Patch 11.5 - League of Legends
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0:00 Intro
0:20 Top Lane
0:25 Riven
2:21 QOTD
2:29 Urgot
3:35 Poppy
5:16 Recap Top
5:23 Jungle
5:27 Nunu
6:12 Rek’Sai
7:46 Ivern
8:43 Recap Jungle
9:06 Mid-Lane
9:11 Galio
10:37 Ahri
11:36 Diana
12:25 Recap Mid
12:30 Bot-Lane
12:35 Kog’Maw
13:58 Sivir
15:14 Swain
16:03 Recap Bot
16:09 Support
16:14 Braum
17:36 Maokai
19:16 Bard
20:52 Recap Supp
20:57 Conclusion
21:18 Outro
Concepts: Concepts: Best ADC 11.5, Best support 11.5, best mid laners 11.5, best junglers 11.5, best top laners 11.5, patch 11.5 rundown, 11.5 lol, 11.5 changes, item buffs 11.5, bl