EXCALIBUR - Blade Of Destiny | Ultimate Steel Path Builds
EXCALIBUR - Blade Of Destiny | Ultimate Steel Path Builds
What’s good folks?!
I’m here with a look at an updated set of builds for Excalibur.
00:00 - Opening
00:47 - Gameplay Montage
01:10 - Introduction
01:48 - Passives - Stats
02:28 - Umbra Anti Synergy
04:00 - Slash Dash
04:40 - Radial Blind
04:58 - Radial Javelin
05:30 - Exalted Blade
06:28 - Build Requirements
06:37 - Archon Shards
07:17 - Operator / Drifter Arcanes
07:28 - Secondary Primer
07:45 - Focus School
08:06 - Build 01 Intro
08:13 - Build 01 Helminth Calculations
09:24 - Build 01 Arcane
09:32 - Build 01
10:36 - Exalted Blade Build
11:12 - Build 02 Intro Synergy
11:43 - Optional Helminths
12:05 - Build 02 Helminth
12:29 - Build 02 Arcanes
12:40 - Build 02
13:02 - Build 02 Stat Stick
13:25 - Build 03 Intro
13:35 - Build 03 Helminth