APACHE LINE: FROM GANGS TO HIP HOP (2004 trailer) by Jorge “FABEL“ Pabon and Johnny “ZIP“ Rodriguez

Property of Jorge “FABEL“ Pabon and Johnny “ZIP“ Rodriguez. All Rights Reserved © “Apache Line: From Gangs to Hip Hop“ This documentary is a work in progress by Jorge “Fabel“ Pabon and Johnny “Zip“ Rodriguez. It takes us on a journey through the trials, tribulations and triumphs of NYC street gangs/families that celebrated urban culture, through artistic expression, prior to the advent of what we know as “Hip Hop culture“. This documentary is a testament to the power of transforming negative energy to positive. The final edit of “APACHE LINE: FROM GANGS TO HIP HOP“ will capture testimony from some of these folk heroes who will reveal untold chapters of New York City’s urban history. Urban folk heroes, legendary street families and Hip Hop icons such as: Afrika Bambaataa, Yellow Benjy from the Ghetto Brothers, the Black Spades, Savage Skulls, Ching A Ling Nomads MC, Savage Samurais, Renigades of Harlem, 170, INK 76 an
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