Demonstration of tanks at Camberley (1926)

GAUMONT GRAPHIC NEWSREEL (REUTERS) To license this film, visit Motorised military vehicles demonstrated by Army Full Description: Gaumont British Ident SLATE INFORMATION: Petro-driven Army - The Dominion Premiers witness a special demonstration of the Army’s latest methods at Camberly ENGLAND: Surrey: Camberly: EXT ENGLAND, CAMBERLEY. GAUMONT ISSUE TITLE (4ft) TITLE (13ft) MLV soldiers on horseback trailing cannons, followed by tanks ditto (32ft) MLV tank trailing cannon (39ft) MLV tank down hill and across barbed wire (50ft) LV tank across barricade (55ft) GV several tanks and armoured cars across scene (70ft) TITLE: Dignity and impudence. (72ft) LV tank and armoured car along across scene (78ft) TITLE: Latest land cruisers in mimic warfare. (82ft) LV tanks stopped in middle of field, soldiers standing on top behind shield and firing cannons in several directions (112ft
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