Original unmodified description from 24/09/2007.-
Honestly I started this one 4 weeks ago, but due to lack of times and other unexpected factors during all this time, It took me more time than the expected one for it’s completion. Now today, finally, it’s finished, here’s my 32th submission for Youtube, and the first one made in Adobe Premiere CS3. This is my first submission introducing my own Mortal Kombat Jokes, based in many MK parodies like Mortal Kombat Mishaps, Mortal Kombat Messups, Mortal Kombat Outtakes, and many others arounding the internet. In my own MK parody, you can see many jokes involving Ben 10, Ranma 1/2, Foster’s Home for Imaginary Friends, and many more. I really hope you like this submission, depending of the answer that this one would had, maybe I’ll make a second one on the future! So, enjoy the first round of Mortal Kombat Kuickies.
WARNING.- Maybe loud sound and music.
Special thanks.-
Ed Boon and John Tobias (They create Mortal Kombat)
1 view
2 weeks ago 00:34:12 1
Шапка завоевала популярность. Подробный МК. В моём магазине - это ХИТ! продаж.
3 weeks ago 00:15:12 25
Вязание спицами. Вяжем ажурную кофточку для девочки 8 лет, регланом сверху, с карманами.МК (часть 1)