Mono Red Goblin Frenzy - Standard - October 30th, 2018
2 Banefire (M19) 130
4 Dark-Dweller Oracle (M19) 134
4 Experimental Frenzy (GRN) 99
3 Goblin Chainwhirler (DAR) 129
4 Goblin Instigator (M19) 142
4 Goblin Warchief (DAR) 130
21 Mountain (XLN) 272
4 Runaway Steam-Kin (GRN) 115
4 Siege-Gang Commander (DAR) 143
4 Skirk Prospector (DAR) 144
2 Squee, the Immortal (DAR) 146
4 Wily Goblin (XLN) 174
3 Fight with Fire (DAR) 119
3 Lava Coil (GRN) 108
2 Rekindling Phoenix (RIX) 111
1 Sorcerous Spyglass (XLN) 248
2 Vanquisher’s Banner (XLN) 251
4 Volley Veteran (M19) 168