X-Files- Scully in Wonderland

First off, let me say that I LO-O-O-V-E Scully. As a character, she is endlessly more complex and fascinating than 99.9% of what we get on t.v. and her depth is more comparable to what we get in a good book- that being said, if you think about the things she does, and her motivations, it is clear that she has a darker side on par with Mulder’s. I love her for this, and it is very in keeping with the spirit of the X-Files. This about those traits and how they get her into trouble.... No copy-right infringement intended, I do not own any of this material nor am I in any way profiting from its use- only a loyal fan, yadda, yadda, yadda. song: Sweet Dreams by Marilynn Manson “It is by going down into the abyss that we recover the treasures of life. Where you stumble, there lies your treasure“ Joseph Campbell rapidshare link: ENJOY!!
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