Ukraine War Underfire: 19 Civilians Injured by Rockets & Cluster Bombs In Frontline City Of Donetsk

Ukraine forces have been firing western supplied Rockets , Cluster bombs and artilery into civilian areas of Donetsk killing and injuring civilians evryday. I went to investigate the facts with the people that have been injured in these attack. I went to the center Donetsk trauma hospital to Interview the Deputy Director for Surgical Work of the Republican Trauma Center, Vadim Igorevich Onoprienko., and 2 children victims of Ukrainian shelling and their families. 7 children and 12 adult victims are currently in that one hospital. All Victims I interviewed said Ukraine shoots into civilian areas everyday. Please watch untill the end. Please support our work by donating just 5$ on My name is Patrick Lancaster and I think you deserve more then what the Western main stream media is willing to show you. I think you need to see information for both sides of the contact line. Why does the Western mainstream media think the world does not deserve to see reports
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