02 - Heceldi belly inflation, 2 years later - Chapter 02: who is who; aka the protagonists of my story

Here a description of the people involved into the trauma Heceldi wanted to perpetrate against me. You will watch how the so called fetish of belly inflation and the former youtube user Heceldi, turned me into an anti feminist MRA, making me move from far left to alt right. It’s called: getting red pilled. The 12/31/2014 Heceldi unsubscribed my channel to punish me because I wanted to make her a gift, like I already did in before, but with the difference that I was sick during that time, so not enough strong anymore for her standards. After objectifying when it suited her; she oppressed me by subjecting me to ad daily emotional rape for more than 2 years, which caused me more health issues. While Heceldi is not a feminist herself, cause now she is a muslim, she fully internalized it and represents everything that is crooked, corrupted, nasty and wrong in the western and westernized societies. She is one the poisoned fruit of feminism. New: she is pregnant! (the 01/01/2017 about 12/13 weeks)
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