УЛЕЙ “ВЕЛИКОРУСЬКИЙ“™Часть 9. Пищевая сода против клеща Death Varroa mites Sodium hydrogen carbonate
Attention! Not to process a carbonated sodium open larvae and queen
Sodium hydrogen carbonate NaHCO3 against Varroa mites
1 teaspoon Sodium hydrogen carbonate NaHCO3 on 0.1 liter (100 grams) of warm water (not hot water, temperature water 30°C-40°C, temperature water 86℉-104℉)
Пищевая сода - гидрокарбонат натрия NaHCO3 - против клеща
1 чайная ложечка пищевой соды NaHCO3 на 0,1 литры (100 грамм) теплой води (температура воды в пределах 30°C-40°C)
Смотрите также “Победа над клещём без ядохимикатов“
The main advantage of the hive design is that the bee colony can independently function in the hive without any human assistance for a definitely long period of time, until the complete ageing of cells in the nest occurs.
The living conditions of a bee colony in the hive are as close as possib