Enchanting Sounds of the Forest. Forest atmosphere, birds singing, white noise for background, relax

Spring forest, gentle sounds of nature alive, birds singing their songs - real bliss and bliss of being. Voices of birds, songs of birds - this is a pleasant sound therapy for our nervous system. When birds sing their songs in the forest, - you forget about problems for a short time - and tune in to positive thinking. Pleasant forest atmosphere in the spring forest, warm spring weather - and the ringing voices of forest birds fill everything around. How nice it is to visit the spring forest, listen to the birds singing, a sunny day and a light breeze. When the city is very noisy and technical noise fills everything around, then it is worth going to nature, take a walk in the forest, look at the beautiful forest landscapes, enjoy the views of the forest, breathe fresh air. But it is not always possible to go out of town - our video with a spring forest and pleasant bird songs will help you feel the atmosphere of the forest, enjoy footage of living nature. Walking in the forest is my
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