hoooooly shit i think i’m gonna stick to uploading videos on campus from now on hHAHA my home internet is slow as dicks
anyway since it’s toby’s 3rd birthday (or it was, yesterday sobs), denki floated down from the stars and granted his birthday wish by singing with him uvu
and then they got legally drunk (or toby did and denki just poured an appletini on his face)
in other news i’m releasing an album soon! it’s called zer0 and i’m hoping to have it out on october 31st, i should have a crossfade video up
2 years ago 00:03:22 2
【UTAU】NaZar - 怪物
3 years ago 00:03:20 5
【UTAU】Otomi Shiki (Shikion) - I fall and stay down