【UTAU x VP】 Lamprey Hole 【Galvan Ize x Steel】[ヤツメ穴]

[.MP3 Download] I had Covid when I sang this originally and posted a draft on Tumblr last year. (which I originally mentioned was bronchitis or lung inflammation, haha) I resang it recently and finished it for YT. I adore many of this producer’s songs, though Lamprey Hole in particular is an earworm for me. I thought the duet structure was a fun idea to try singing with my UTAU. ___ [Song Info] “Lamprey Hole“, by Non-Credited Producer for Privacy Reasons Originally Sung by Koronba 4-gou and Utane Uta Video Used ➤ Mix - Sprites - Video - Vocals ➤ Steel Vocals ➤ (UTAU) Galvan Ize
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