"sage that wall is illegal"

My 200iq Sage Walls make the enemy think that my walls are illegal and that I should be BANNED xD! I guess my big brain Sage plays are just too good and they make people want to get me banned; like how are you that mad! Riot would never ban me because I am the one and only true battle sage on Valorant! I appreciate all of you that watched the video and don’t forget to check out my twitch below and Subscribe to see every post, Love you guys! // Twitch: Twitter: Discord: “sage that wall is illegal“ #valorant​​​​​​ #montage​​​​​​ #sagewalls​​​​​ #sage​​​​​​ #grim​​​​​​ #valorantsage​​​​​​ #valoranthighlights​​​​​​ #valorantsa
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