Выставка Александра Николенко Мы

100 лет роману Евгения Замятина «МЫ» WE by Alexander Nikolenko Alexander Nikolenko interview by the head of the excursion bureau of the State Russian Museum, professor at the State Institute of Culture and Arts, Valery Akhunov. Arts Square Gallery, “WE“ Art Project Exhibition St Petersburg, Russia, 2020 4:09 - “Enter the Picture“ demonstration. “Enter the Picture“ is a digital art project by Alexander Nikolenko, who worked as the author of the idea and spatial-visual solution, director and artist. It was created in the period 2002-2003 and was first demonstrated at the interactive cinema theater of the Mikhailovsky Castle of the State Russian Museum complex. All the paintings demonstrated in the project are included in the collection of the State Russian Museum and are presented in the space of a specially reconstructed virtual hall of the artist Vasily Polenov. Original video - #arts, #art, #artshow, #artist, #nikolenko, #cubism, #suprematism, #neosuprematism, #rayonism, #avantgarde, #analyticalart, #saintpetersburg, #alexandernikolenko, #modernart, #pochoir, #искусство, #современноеискусстсво, #арт, #художник, #спб, #АлександрНиколенко, #петербург, #авангард, #кубизм, #супрематизм, #неосупрематизм, #санктпетербург
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