Native american flute. Fast river

Native american flute. Fast river Write in the comments what you think about my music. Subscribe if you like the music Spirit of Siberia ◈ Author, arrangement: Oleg Nekipelov, pseudonym Er Sogotokh Choronkin (pimak flute) ◈ Mixing, editing: studio White shaman © 2021 Watch the video and listen to the flute! Hear music performed by a Siberian storyteller on the pimak flute. The traditional Indian flute of love sounds in Altai, surrounded by mountains. A delight to the ears and a delight to the eyes. This is a good and efficient stay. Gain strength! Enjoy nature! Video “Native american flute. Fast river” will help you regain strength and switch your consciousness to creation. Will give you inner peace and peace of mind. Use videos for relaxation and relaxation.
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