Flight To Gibraltar (1952)

Flight to Gibraltar. Shawbury, Shropshire. And Gibraltar. M/S briefing room. C/U airman writing notes in flight class. C/U man using pointer to show air route to Gibraltar. M/S flying crew boarding plane, camera pans to fuselage. C/U name on side “Jupiter“. C/U member of ground crew waving plane on. Various shots of the propellors rotating. Good M/S’s as aircraft take off and fly over camera. C/U propellors from inside one aircraft. M/S formation flying at dawn. C/U member of aircrew. C/U pilot. M/S propellors with cloud in background. C/U one of the crew. M/S hand tapping Morse key. C/U wireless operator at controls. M/S aircraft in flight over Mediterranean. C/U propellor, L/S sea beneath plane. L/S of another plane through cockpit, camera pans to pilot. L/S Spanish coastline. M/S bomber looking through sites. M/S clouds beneath plane. C/U navigator. L/S Gibraltar as plane approaches. L/S four more shots of Gibraltar as plane circles. M/S through cockpit as plane touches down. L/S as other pla
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