This video represents the internal struggle between Twilight Sparkle’s natural instinct to wish to become a great singer and her voice literally neighing everything that comes out of her mouth. As a way to combat a such travesty, she gives herself vocal exercises, ones which she believes will help her in her quest to sing good like the sing-good-giraffe of myths and monsters. “One day“, she says, “One day I will become... A real actress.“ However each and every interviewer heard “Neigh neigh“ so her interview was cancelled and she went back home to eat flowers.
...Well well, look who’s mister and or miss and or missers reader here, coming all the way down in the description.
Hold on, how does one spell “Mrs“ out? I mean, “Missers“ just looks unprofessional and pathetic. What is it then, just “Mrs“? Jeez, that must give the non-native English speakers trouble when pronouncing things. “Hello MERRS Brittany“. Eek.
...Oh, I forgot why I’m typing down here. This is the part of the description I shove links to my other things to. Here’s my Facebook Page and my Tumblr if you want them.