FREIMAUREREI: „Osiris steht auf“ - Symbolismus wird ihr UNTERGANG sein (Pharaonenzeichen)
English title:
FREEMASONRY: „Osiris Rising“ - Symbolism will be their DOWNFALL (Pharaoh signs)
Das Video soll auch aufzeigen, wie viele Politikdarsteller und Prominente () dieses Symbol vor der Kamera zeigen. Es ist schon interessant, dann sagen zu könne, wer bei dieser „elitären“ satanischen ILLUMINATI Clique dazugehört. Es kann immer wieder nur verdeutlicht bzw. in Beweisaufnahmen gezeigt werden, welche Symbole sie sich gegenseitig in ihren Gesprächen und Treffen, in Klatschblättern so entgegenbringen. Und das normale Schlafschaf merkt überhaupt nichts, welche Bedeutung dieses Zeichen dort hat. Aber man kann es ihnen nicht verübeln, sie haben es ja nicht so gelernt und in den Massenmedien gesehen. Leider ist diese Hip-Hop-Musik im Hintergrund in französischer Sprache, aber der Sänger singt über diese elitären Kreise in seinem Lied. Das französische Publikum meines Profils/Kanals wird das Video dann sowieso verstehen. Die Musik soll noch einmal die Gefahr unterlegen, in der die Menschen schweben.
You may already be familiar with your sun sign, your rising sign, your moon sign, and the placement of the planets in your houses. Modern astrology is fascinating - it helps deepen our understanding of ourselves and others, track our behaviors, consider our life paths, and even make compatible matches with zodiac signs that balance us out. But astrology has been around for a long time - from Vedic astrology to Chinese astrology and Egyptian astrology, many branches grow from the same root of the cosmos. Egyptian astrology looks a little different from Western astrology, but it still uses the 12 zodiac signs even though they have different names. In ancient Egyptian astrology, it was believed that each sign was a deity manifested, which is why the zodiac signs are named after gods and goddesses. We look at the ancient Egyptian astrology order and explain exactly what each sign means. The Egyptian calendar is similar to the Gregorian calendar, which we use today; however, it consisted of 365 days and three seasons - each lasting 120 days (with a few days left over to form a shorter month). There were 12 months in the calendar, and each month was split into three ten-day decans. This means there were 36 decans in a year, and each decan was connected to a set of stars and its ruling deity. The decans played a major role in Egyptian astrology as the decan rising on the eastern horizon at the time of a person’s birth gave weight and understanding to a person’s character and destiny.
The Ancient Egyptians used to look up at the night sky when they needed advice and guidance. They believed that the stars we were born under influenced our personalities, lives, and our fate. This art form has had a major impact on modern Western astrology, and there are indeed some clear similarities between the two. Read about the Egyptian zodiac signs and delve a little deeper into your natural personality, life purpose, and destiny. That’s right, according to this ancient form of astrology, your birthday and western star sign corresponds to a god or a goddess, who is endowed with magical powers. Egyptian Astrology: How Do I Find My Egyptian. Many cultures throughout history looked to the stars for guidance, and the ancient Egyptians were no exception. Though their system of astrology looks different from the modern, Western practice we know today, the Egyptians also used 12 signs (named after their deities) based on the movements of the stars to learn more about their own characters and relationships. In this article, we’ll show you each of the 12 Egyptian zodiac signs and the traits they represent, as well as some fascinating information about the origins of Egyptian astrology. Read on to learn about your Egyptian zodiac sign!
#OsirisZeichen2024 #DrSeanHross #Echsenmenschen
7 months ago 00:02:13 262
FREIMAUREREI: „Osiris steht auf“ - Symbolismus wird ihr UNTERGANG sein (Pharaonenzeichen)